Review: HELASOFT at the 18th Annual Conference of the Chem-Academy for Product Safety in the Chemical Industry
29th – 30th of January 2025
Regulatory everything in view for 2025? Early last week, participants from industry and the public sector met at this highly informative event in Cologne. As a long-standing partner of the event, here are a few of our impressions:
The bureaucracy monster continues to grow.
The numerous contributions from industry, e.g. from Merck, Currenta, Henkel, BASF and UL Solutions, impressively reported on the daily struggle with the “bureaucracy monster”, which Christian Ridder once again visualized perfectly in his graphical recording.
What can the industry now expect from the newly elected European Commission?

“Green” becomes “Clean Industrial” Deal
While the Commission previously focused on the “environment, environment and environment”, the newly elected round now also includes strengthening Europe’s competitiveness and sustainable prosperity among its declared goals. But what exactly can industry expect? This is still largely unclear.
Representatives from the BAUA (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) provided specific insights into the work of national chemicals regulation and the ECHA.
The CLP revision creates pressure to act: substances placed on the market from May 1, 2025 must already meet the new requirements! For the public PFAS consultation, Otto Linher (DG Grow, European Commission) indicated that this will probably not take place until early/mid-2026.
Is another “data grave” looming with the digital product passport?
The “#DigitalProductPassport” is set to become a new central element of regulation from 2027. Much is still unclear, but companies should already check which of the required data they already have – it is to be anticipated, a lot will still be missing.
“Artificial intelligence - efficiency booster or empty words”
Markus Noertemann from HELASOFT explained how new technologies can support and relieve product stewardship using a number of examples from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. He also mentioned our “HELACLOUD SDS” solution for the automated reading of safety data sheets.
Many thanks to everyone for the stimulating conversations and discussions. We would be delighted to continue the discussions with you!