HELASOFT at 14th Chem-Academy Conference on CLP – Classification, Labelling and Packaging
It will not be boring in the future, that much can be said after the 14th annual conference “CLP” of the Chem-Academy! Experts from industry, authorities, law firms and German authorities took a critical look at the EU chemicals strategy and its impact on companies, among other things, and intensively discussed the latest state of affairs.
With our presentation “Industry 5.0 – EHS and Sustainability”, Markus Nörtemann introduced a still relatively new production model of the European Commission that promotes aspects of human well-being, sustainability and resilience in addition to purely technical and economic goals.
He illustrated how this approach could be implemented in the area of product stewardship, using innovative technologies such as robotics, computer visioning or machine-learning-supported reading of safety data sheets – towards an “IT-supported product safety 5.0” or “EHS 5.0”.
Thank you very much for the inspiring questions and discussions. We invite you to continue the discussions with us!

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