REVIEW: HELASOFT at first Chem-Academy Conference on PFAS
At the PFAS-FACHTAGUNG in Bonn at the beginning of this week, the various presentations by public authorities, environmental and industry associations, and affected companies ensured lively, controverse, and in some cases emotional discussions.
Well, how could it be otherwise, as the PFAS group is a group of chemicals which, as “eternity chemicals”, have earned titles in the media such as “environmental poison”, “poison of the century” or “asbestos of the 21st century”?
These chemicals, however, are used for much more than waterproof outdoor clothing, easy-care Teflon pans and kiss-proof lipsticks – for many of these applications, substituations are already identified. The extreme persistence of PFAS, which is considered a risk, ensure also for safe implants, reliable fire-fighting extinguishers, and reliable filters in chemical production plants etc. and is thus difficult (impossible?) to replace.

Learn more: Link to official information
At least on the IT side, the chemical industry is better equipped than at the time of the REACH introduction, as #Markus Nörtemann, Helasoft GmbH, was able to report. For example, existing tools for product compliance, EHS / ESG and SCM management can be used.
The new #SAP Product Footprint Management and the #Sustainability Control Tower are certainly interesting in this context. HELASOFT partner #UL Solutions offers support with its Supply Chain Network, WERCS Studio and the regulatory data of its ChemADVISOR.
For the sometimes very complex calculations, e.g. to predict the decay/degradation of PFAS, Markus Nörtemann has presented some exciting research contributions on AI-based models (AI = Artificial Intelligence).
What happens next?
The restriction proposal for a comprehensive ban on the production, use and marketing of PFAS has been on the table at the European Chemicals Agency #ECHA since the beginning of this year. A public consultation phase will run until the end of September 2023, giving affected companies the opportunity to influence the eventual decision. Subsequently, the scientific committees of ECHA will draft an opinion which will be forwarded to the European Commission.
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